Our Calendar

Know of a group, business or organization who might enjoy a Laughter Yoga session? We’re available for health and resource fairs, schools, corporate retreats, hospitals, retirement homes, special events, yoga studios and more. Drop us a line at hahaha@laughinginsalem.com and we will be happy to chat with you!

Can’t make a Laughter Yoga class during our scheduled class times? 
NOW you can join our Zoom laughter class the 4th Thursday of every month (excluding June), starting at 7 pm.                                   

Meeting ID: 882 6958 7548
Passcode: 8RQDEK
And best of all, if you really love practicing Laughter Yoga online via Zoom, there are many different opportunities to join a Zoom class. https://tinyurl.com/4kpt5mkc

Here’s another excellent class:  https://celestegreenelaughs.com/free-online-laughter-classes/ or many other choices here: https://www.laughteryogafun.com/calendar

Any of these are an excellent way to deepen your practice and receive all of the many health benefits of Laughter Yoga. In India Laughter Yoga is practiced daily! You may even make a new friend with someone from across the world!